How much does delivery cost?

Our standard shipping is £4.99

How long does delivery take?

All items are printed to order and orders will be delivered within 14 days. However, please allow up to 28 days from receiving your order confirmation for your order to arrive.

My item hasn’t arrived and the expected delivery time has passed, what should I do?

Please click here to send us a message and we will try to track the order for you. Please remember to include your order ID in the message. If we are unable to track the order we will offer to resend your item or arrange a refund.

I’ve ordered the wrong item, can I exchange it?

Yes, click here to send us a message and we can provide you details on how to return your item. You must return the item to us in its original packaging and condition. PLEASE NOTE: We do not offer exchanges on personalised items as we are unable to resell these items.

My item is faulty or damaged, what should I do?

Please click here to send us a message and, where possible, include a photo showing the damage. We will refund you for any faulty items and use the photo to improve our products and service in the future.

I no longer want the item, can I return it for a refund?

Yes, click here to send us a message and we can provide you details on how to return your item. You must return the item to us in its original packaging and condition. PLEASE NOTE: We do not offer refunds on personalised items as they are unfit for resale.

Can i have my order giftwrapped?
We currently do not have this service available.
Do you do commissions?

No, I do not do commissioned works.

I’ve received my order but some items are missing?

If you’ve only received part of your order, don’t worry the rest of your order is on its way. If 14 days have passed and the rest of your order still hasn’t arrived, please click here to send us a message. (Some circumstances that might cause a delay in delivery, bank holidays and currently COVID-19)